Green Mountain Grills Jim Bowie Upper Smoke Rack Addition GMG-6006
Add more grilling space to your Jim Bowie grill with a Green Mountain Grills upper smoke rack addition. This premium quality stainless steel rack is designed to double your grilling space for all Choice and Prime models. Rust-resistant and durable, you'll love the easy clean-up and dishwasher-safe engineering of this rack. Get ready to expand your next grilling or smoking session with Green Mountain Grills. Upper rack addition measures 31.89 x 8.27 x 5.12 inches.
• Adds more grilling space to your Green Mountain Grills Jim Bowie grill
• Premium quality stainless steel rack
• Rust resistant and durable
• Easy clean-up and dishwasher safe
• Upper rack addition measures 31.89 x 8.27 x 5.12 inches